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Ada and George Wilcox family ca. 1920, ancestors of Stephanie Beneng; great-grandfather Harold Wilcox, back row, center.

Ada and George Wilcox family ca. 1920, ancestors of Stephanie Beneng; great-grandfather Harold Wilcox, back row, center.

Stephanie Beneng, consultant in archival research & genealogy tutoring

specializing in western NY & PA

Rate: $24.00 / hour for virtual tutoring and telephone genealogy consulting

rate: $32.00 / hour for research projects & In-person TUTORING and consultations.

Custom rates available for nonprofits with long-term projects.

Genealogy consulting appointments can be used for many things: to ask research questions, to receive tutorials in using online genealogy resources and software, to have a joint research session together, or to review a “brick wall” in the family tree and suggest strategies. I’m happy to do research for my clients, but I also love to empower everyone to use the vast resources available to them, and to hone their library & research skills to make their own discoveries.

Email (button below) to arrange an order. Gift certificates for telephone & virtual tutoring services come in the following amounts:
$35.00 for 1 1/2 hours | $45.00 for 2 hours | $55.00 for 2 1/2 hours | $65.00 for 3 hours


Stephanie English Beneng has been working in historical research since 1998. Her degree in English at Allegheny College was earned while working as a research assistant for the Crawford County (PA) Historical Society. With that experience as a foundation, she has continued to work independently with historical organizations, libraries, and community centers. She has a special interest in telling the untold stories of marginalized and forgotten people and places. Her love of studying old ways of working and living has also blossomed into a love of organic agriculture. In 2018, after many years of farm apprenticeships and farmers’ market management, she and her spouse began Light Work Farm.



Individuals conducting family history research

  • Consultations by phone and in person

  • Preparation for trips to courthouses and archives

  • One-on-one trainings in using finding aids and genealogy resources

  • Assistance with organizing and preserving family collections of photos and documents

Academic researchers and writers of history

  • Archival research

  • Editing and writing

  • Determining provenance of materials

  • Fact checking 

Small historical societies and museums

  • Preparatory research for exhibits

  • Preparatory research for historical grant fund projects

  • Indexing of archival resources

  • Document transcription

Past Projects

Proposing and completing a research project to identify the author of a slave narrative manuscript, using a comprehensive reading of the 1860 census of New Jersey.

Organizing the collection of a family quarry business from the mid-1800s, creating a table of contents for future indexing.  The collection is now housed in the New York State Library.

Evaluating and organizing the document collection of a historic farm.

Researching and responding to hundreds of genealogy research requests.

Preparing exhibits about the 100th anniversary of a community Grange hall and chapter.